Friday, June 27, 2008

Kansas, Sweet Kansas

Yes, it is my friends. Today the temp is around 80 degrees and that is forcasted for the rest of the weekend. Good riddance Dallas heat!
Well we are moved in to our new 3 bedroom apartment! It is wonderful to actually have all of my kitchen stuff located in the kitchen cabinets.
A few things I seemed to forget from the last time we moved:
  • *200 trips up and down stairs will shred your calf muscles
  • *the overwhelming feeling of "the truck is still half-full"
  • *flat ponytail head for three days in a row because dryer, brush, and mousse are packed up who knows where (today I actually found a cap)

Seriously, we really like it up here, and it already feels like home for us. Trying out a church on Sunday. I will post more later, with pics included. We are off to Whole Foods now! Eat something sweet for me, today.

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