Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hello Sushi...I think I love you

Went to Kona Grill with a few girlfriends the other night for Sushi and Rolls...My mouth is watering now just from looking at the pictures. My food preferences reach far and wide, but I am always in the mood for Sushi.
Veggie Rolls...
The roll on the left was a combination of salmon, avacado, cream cheese and rice; so creamy and fresh tasting.
This roll was fabulous...inside was crab and cream cheese with a seaweed wrap...It is lightly breaded and fast fried so the outside is crispy. Mmmmm, I want that now.

I assure you, if you haven't given Rolls a chance, you are missing out. Your food life will be so much more fulfilling if you add a great sushi house to your dining out options.

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